Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spread the Josefina Love...

So, guess what I found out today. I was doing a little snooping in the human's email box (not even going to go into the details, let's just say that if you opt to have the computer save your password...) and turns out that one of those Josefina clones is on her way here. I'm kind of torn with my feelings about this news. While I already think it's way overcrowded here, maybe having my own little army can work in my favor. Maybe the human's love for the Josefina doll and the Josefina face mold is a good thing. We already have another Josefina clone here, and a couple of girls with the face mold, but this idea of raising an army just came to me. I'm going to have to think more about this and plan out how to get all of these intruders to leave one by one.


  1. Hola Josefina
    My name is Olivia and I am a Pleasant Company Josefina who moved London a couple of months ago. I have already ensured my human is smitten with me and got her to buy me lots of beautiful clothes! Good luck raising an army as we Josefinas RULE!

  2. hola josefina my name is emily and i am a swicthever emily and guess what im dressed in ... mckennas preformanc leodard i feel the pian
